Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine
Top-Rated Lakewood Acupuncture / Acupuncturist Near Me
Our acupuncturists provide natural, refreshing, and effective alternative medicine for active individuals and families. You'll find that our approach will not only restore mind, body, and spirit but also help you heal at the core and make genuine, long-lasting changes.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture uses needles to access the body's energy (Qi) and encourages natural healing. Treating various physical, mental, and emotional conditions, acupuncture is a key component of healing.
Chinese Herbal
Our herbal consultations work with acupuncture to encourage the healing process. Our herbal formulas are specially crafted for each individual and are often modified as the healing process progresses.
Diet, Nutrition
& Lifestyle
Diet, nutrition, and lifestyle are a cornerstone of holistic healing and growth. Making small or big changes can help address many conditions. We develop a custom plan that best suits your health goals.
What is acupuncture good for treating?
Stress Management/Reduction
Sleep Disorders
Digestive Issues
Diet and Nutritional Advice
Lifestyle Counseling
Intrauterine Insemination / In Vitro Fertilization (IVF/IUI) Enhancements
Morning Sickness
Back and Hip Pain
Breeched baby
Labor Induction
Postpartum Care
Hormone Imbalances
Painful Periods
Menstrual Headache
Irregular Periods
Much More
Acupuncture Reviews
What Our Customers Are Saying
Let's discover your health's true north, together.
Please reach out with any questions and let us know how we can help. Our clinic is conveniently located at Well Set, in Denver's Highlands/Sloan's Lake (SloHi) Neighborhood.