Cheesecake Fruit Pizza (grain-free, refined-sugar free, low carb)

Welp it’s time to eat, it’ the 4th! We already had a parade with fire trucks and a water party this morning. Made some Cheesecake Fruit Pizza, Katie style of course! Low carb, grain free, refined sugar free and all the kids loved it (had to hurry and take this pic before it was gone!) As many of you know I’m all about the simple, easy and healthy recipes that everyone can make and enjoy. Let’s get down to it…


For Crust:

1 stick butter, melted

1 1/2 cups almond flour

2 tablespoons of monk fruit sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

For cream cheese topping:

8oz cream cheese, softened

1/2 cup monk fruit sugar

4 tablespoons of cream

1 teaspoon vanilla

For Fruit:

1/2 cup sliced strawberries

1/2 cup blueberries

Preheat oven at 350. Combine crust ingredients, press into parchment lined pizza pan till desire thickness. Bake for 6-8 mins. Side aside to cool.

Blend cream cheese topping in a mixer or with hand till sooth. Spread on cooled crust. top with fruit.

Note, since it’s made with almond flour it can be crumbly. Be sure to refrigerate and even freeze for 20 mins before serving to make it more firm.

Happy Healthy Celebrating! ~Katie