Understanding Perinatal Mental and Emotional Health: Breaking the Stigma Katie HaleJanuary 6, 2025Denver Holistic/Alternative Medicine, Denver grief and loss counseling, denver holistic counselor, Denver Mom, Denver fertility, Denver Acupuncture, denver counselor, IVF denver, IUI denver, fertility metal health, fertility support, Fertility Denver, infertility, Infertility Denver, acupuncture pain, acupuncture, Acupuncture Denver, Acupuncture Clinic Denver, acupuncture digestion, acupuncture pregnancy, Acupuncture for Fertility, Acupuncture For Period Pain, postpartum, postpartum denver, womens support, breastfeeding denver, breastfeeding, breastfeeding support, Chinese medicine, herbal medicine, mental health, perinatal mental health
Get to know Dr Adrianne, our Clinical Health Psychologist Katie HaleDecember 3, 2024Denver Holistic/Alternative Medicine, denver holistic counselor, denver counselor, mental health, alternative mental health denver, postpartum, postpartum denver, Health psychologist denver, perinatal mental health, insomnia
Ooey Gooey Almond Butter Brownies Katie HaleMarch 12, 2019Denver Holistic/Alternative Medicine, Denver Mom, dairy free, Denver Acupuncture, pcos, PCOS, paleo recipe, postpartum, paleo, hormones, hormone regulation, holistic nutrition, hormone, Healthy Eating, Almond Flour, Acupuncture for Fertility, acupuncture, Acupuncture Denver, Acupuncture Clinic Denver, Acupuncture For Period Pain, acupuncture for breastfeeding, whole 30, whole food, Whole Food, Gluten Free Denver, grain free, Grain Free Recipes, womens health, womens support
A Little Rant about Breastfeeding... Katie HaleJune 12, 2018breastfeeding, breastfeeding denver, breastfeeding support, lactation, lactation denver, lactation nutrition, Holistic Pregnancy Denver, holistic nutrition denver, holistic medicine, holistic nutrition, Holistic Nutrition Denver, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Acupuncture Denver, acupuncture for breastfeeding, womens health, Women's Health Denver, womens support, hormones, hormone regulation, postpartum, postpartum denver
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread, Paleo Style Katie HaleMay 9, 2018Denver Holistic/Alternative Medicine, Denver Acupuncture, Denver Mom, PCOS, Pregnancy Denver, Paleo Denver, paleo, pediatrics, postpartum, super food, Holistic Pregnancy Denver, holistic medicine, Holistic Nutrition Denver, holistic nutrition, holistic nutrition denver, Healthy Eating, womens health, Whole Food, Women's Health Denver
Rock your Pregnancy with Acupuncture and Holistic Medicine Katie HaleApril 20, 2018Pregnancy Denver, postpartum, Holistic Pregnancy Denver, Denver Acupuncture, Denver Mom, Denver Holistic/Alternative Medicine
Bone Broth, What's all the Hype? Katie HaleMarch 15, 2018bone broth, super food, Holistic Nutrition Denver, holistic medicine, collagen, minerals, womens health, postpartum, Denver Mom, Denver Holistic/Alternative Medicine, Denver Acupuncture